Needle and Syringe Program: Pharmacy

Pharmacy Needle and Syringe Program – community retail pharmacy program distributing a range of injecting equipment – supplying injecting equipment and disposal containers for sale for free of charge

Operating hours

No main hours, please contact the service for more information
Operating hours vary between participating pharmacies

Wait time

No or N/A (typically no waiting times)

After hours support



Visit for an updated list of Pharmacies who are currently participate in the ACT Needle Syringe Program or click here to see an interactive map of participating pharmacies.

Needle and Syringe Programs (NSPs) are public health initiatives that provide free sterile injecting equipment, information on safe injecting practices, general health information and primary health care services to people who inject drugs. The aim is to reduce the spread of blood-borne viral and bacterial infections and to minimise drug related harms. Directions Health Services manage the ACT needle and syringe program.

Pharmacy NSPs are community retail pharmacies that distribute a range of injecting equipment. Pharmacy NSPs may supply injecting equipment and disposal containers for sale or free of charge.

A range of pharmacies participate in the ACT Needle Syringe Program. Please contact the individual pharmacy for opening hours and further advice as information provided is subject to change.

Age range eligibility

Under 18
18-25 year old
26 +



Other exclusions


Use of drug testing

Drug testing not used or not applicable

Treatment type

Needle and syringe program

Harm reduction initiatives

Provide sterile injecting equipment

Treatment duration


Treatment goal

Harm reduction

ACT and NSW residents

Accepts ACT residents
Accepts NSW residents

Phones permitted

Contact the service for more information

Smoking permitted


Additional program description

Needle and Syringe – Collection and Disposal


If you find a needle or syringe (also called a sharp) in a public place or on your private property, do NOT attempt to move it yourself. Do not touch it and, if possible, stand guard, or mark the area with a hazard sign, particularly if there are children around. Immediately call Access Canberra Contact Centre on 13 22 81 (pressing #1) to provide accurate information on the location of the item. A City Ranger from ACT Government Territory and Municipal Services will come and pick it up as soon as possible.


Transport Canberra and City Services provide sharps disposal containers in all public toilets in urban open space. Sharps containers containing used syringes can be dropped off at the following locations:

Via primary Needle and Syringe Programs

City Health Centre outside the ground floor entrance, to the right of the main door – Corner of Alinga and Moore Streets, Canberra City. Phone: (02) 6143 5800

Phillip Health Centre at the back of the building, opposite Lovett (formerly MLC) Tower – Corner of Keltie and Corinna Streets, Woden. Phone: (02) 6132 4900

Via Emergency Disposal (domestic only) through recycling and waste facilities

Click here for further information relating to the collection and disposal of needle and syringes in the ACT.

Source: Access Canberra, 2017, Needle and syringe collection and disposal, ACT Government

Additional program services or support

Organisation website provides details and more information
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In an Emergency call 000. Additional crisis supports are available.

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National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline

1800 250 015

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Are you from interstate?

The National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline automatically directs you to the Alcohol and Drug Information Service in your State or Territory

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