Canberra Recovery Hub

Provides a non-abstinence based Community Day Program in Braddon, ACT for alcohol and other drug and/or gambling issues.


Canberra City Corps, 2 Fawkner Street, BRADDON , Canberra Australian Capital Territory 2612 Australia

Operating hours

9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm
9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Wait time

No or N/A (typically no waiting times)

After hours support


Intake Phone Number

0438 033 778 / (02) 6295 1256


The Canberra Recovery Hub (CRH), is a community-based day program, at Braddon Salvos, offers a family-friendly schedule from Monday to Friday 10am-2pm. CRH provides non-abstinence-based AOD community-based treatment. CRH operates within a harm-minimisation framework and provides flexibility within the suite of services offered, by intentionally engaging people at various stages in their treatment journey. CRH mirrors our CRS three-month Foundations Program.

Participants can access the following as part of a holistic and coordinated care approach:

• Intake Screening
• Comprehensive Assessment
• Care planning
• Peer Mentors
• One-to-one psychosocial interventions
• Structured Groupwork
• Assertive linkage to service providers/treatment types
• Care Planning/Case Management
• Risk management
• Care Coordination
• Relapse Management
• BBV interventions (partnership with Hepatitis ACT)
• Naloxone training (partnership with CAHMA)
• Aftercare support
• Brief/Extended Brief interventions
• Advocacy
• Social and community living skills
• Recreational Activities
• Face to Face/online/telephone support
• Brokerage/Transportation support
• Smoking cessation tools/Information/NRT

TSA’s ‘Foundations’ program utilises evidence-based therapeutic approaches to foster behaviour change and develop values-driven responses to challenges. The program integrates proven interventions and employs strengths and asset-based activities to help participants transition from ATOD use and offending to recovery-oriented cultures. We emphasise the importance of relationships and environments that provide hope, empowerment, and choice to facilitate lasting behavioural change; enabling individuals to become positive contributors to their community.

CRH is the first step in a flexible integrated stepped-care approach to the AOD treatment system, where people can step up to CRS residential centre or step-down to the community.

Age range eligibility

18-25 year old
26 +


No referral required (i.e., can self-refer)
Referral from GP
Referral other: Referrals accepted from other Services, Courts, Corrections and other Legal Services
Other useful documentation: Photograph identification, Medicare card, Concession card, Criminal history record, Court reports, Medical records, Prescriptions, and other additional documentation as required.

Medication/Intoxication exclusions

Details on other medication/intoxication exclusions: Cannot access when intoxicated

Other exclusions

Other exclusions details: Contact service for more information

Use of drug testing

Drug testing not used or not applicable

Treatment type

Case management
Day program
Information and education (only)

Harm reduction initiatives

Provides alcohol tobacco or other drug education sessions (e.g., harm reduction strategies, safer injecting information)

Treatment duration

The program duration is variable, contact the service for more information

Treatment goal

Reduce ATOD use
Gain control over drug use
Behaviour change
Harm reduction

Delivery mode

Outreach services available
Face to face support available
Initial assessment: Assessment to determine service suitability either by phone or face-to-face

ACT and NSW residents

Accepts ACT residents
Accepts NSW residents

Cultural, diversity and vulnerable group capabilities

Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Domestic and Family Violence (DFV)

Disability access

Accessible toilets
Accessible doorways
Accessible parking
Contact the service for accessibility details

Family/children support and access

Contact with family members and/or carers/children while in program

Phones permitted


Smoking permitted


Smoking cessation support available

NRT provided
Other smoking cessation support provided


No fees

Additional program description

Day program

Canberra Recovery Hub AOD Services offers a community-based, structured day program at 2 Fawkner Street, Braddon. It is co-located with other Salvation Army community services including financial counselling, The Salvation Army Doorways emergency relief (financial and food assistance with support), recovery church and a drop-in centre. The program is for people over the age of 18 affected by substance misuse and other addictions and seeking a non-residential treatment setting.

Treatment is individualised for each participant through comprehensive assessment, referral, case management and therapeutic groups and aftercare support. Participants can engage in a particular stage and receive a certificate of completion for that stage dependent on their treatment needs.
CRH delivers non-abstinence based ATOD community treatment operating within a harm-minimisation framework as part of a stepped care system. The group program is part of a holistic harm reduction focused and based on The Salvation Army’s ‘Foundations Program’, aimed at helping participants better understand and manage substance use, find community, meaning and independence.

The program is based on contemporary, internationally recognised methods, such as cognitive behaviour therapy, acceptance and commitment therapy and motivational enhancement strategies. Groups run as a three-phased program (each four weeks) from 10am to 2.00pm, with additional one-to-one support and other social and wellbeing activities available.

CRH Foundations group work program, is delivered over a three-stage (Connect, Grow & Live), 12-week treatment episode and covers:

Connect’ focuses on initiating participants into the recovery process. Participants connect with their strengths, resources, values, and motivations and with peers who partner in the journey.

Grow’ builds on the concepts of self-awareness and skills for self-management. The social and cultural aspects of substance use and recovery are explored as well as effective communication and healthy relationships for improved social connections.

Live’ prepares participants for sustaining ongoing recovery in the community. Skills are further developed in self-reflection, self-awareness, self-management and self-direction to support participants to build a life that is empowered, full and meaningful to them. Strengthening connections with a range of supports, interests and activities builds self-confidence and self-belief and an emerging sense of identity beyond ATOD use.

Recreational activities are provided to foster a sense of fun away from ATOD use, build connections, enhance physical and emotional well-being, promote life balance, and developing prosocial skills.

Social and community living skills are promoted through engaging with the wider community and include volunteering opportunities, preparing meals, and engaging in groups, networks, and social activities to enhance recovery capital.

Additional program services or support

Hepatitis screening/treatment/vaccinations available
STI screening/treatment/vaccinations available
Aftercare available
Additional supports available, contact service for more information
Organisation website provides details and more information
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Are you in crisis?

In an Emergency call 000. Additional crisis supports are available.

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National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline

1800 250 015

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Are you from interstate?

The National Alcohol and Other Drug Hotline automatically directs you to the Alcohol and Drug Information Service in your State or Territory

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